• Brand: Dragon Herbs
  • Serving Size: 1 tea bag
  • Servings Per Container: 20
Price: $11.50


    The Healthiest Tea on Earth

    The Multifunctional “Magical grass”

    In Asia, Gynostemma is known as a “magical grass.” It has been reported to have a wide range of health-promoting benefits

    In Asia, Gynostemma is considered to be*

    • Invigorating (does not cause hyperactivity – not a stimulant)
    • Calming (promotes a sense of peace – not a sedative)
    • Longevity enhancing (antioxidant and more)
    • Immune-regulating in normal healthy individuals (not as a medicine, but to help support the normal healthy functioning of various immune functions)
    • A respiratory tonic (helps support respiratory function and efficiency)A digestive aid
    • Gynostemma has liver and cardiovascular-protecting benefits and supports normal healthy functioning in these organs.*

    The ultimate greatness of Gynostemma lies in its broad spectrum adaptogenic (stress modulating) quality.* Adaptogenic herbs help improve the efficiency of the metabolic, neurological, immunologic, respiratory and endocrine systems in normal healthy people. Prolonged consumption of Gynostemma supports the adaptive capacity of people at every level of their life.*

    Gynostemma has a double-direction activity in many areas*

    Gynostemma supports physiological balance to the body under a wide range of stressful circumstances.

    • Gynostemma has a double-direction, regulating, adaptogenic influence on the central nervous system. It is calming when one is overexcited and invigorating when one is fatigued.
    • Gynostemma is widely known for its “spirit-lifting” effect on one’s mood.
    • Gynostemma may have a beneficial effect on the heart by supporting circulation*
    • Gynostemma has developed an enormous reputation in Asia as a major aid in weight management programs
    • Gynostemma has been shown to have a double-direction activity with regard to weight. Gynostemma can be useful in reducing excessive body fat, when combined with a reasonable exercise program and a healthy diet that modulates caloric intake.
    • Gynostemma may also help athletes, body builders or excessively slim people to gain weight.
    • Gynostemma helps balance the body’s metabolism
    • Gynostemma supports antioxidant activity within the body in healthy individuals
    • Gynostemma is a potent antioxidant for healthy people.

    The main active ingredients in Gynostemma are known as saponins

    • The saponins in Gynostemma are called gypenosides. There are over 100 gypenosides in Gynostemma.
    • These gypenosides help support healthy normal liver functions
    • These gypenosides are the constituents responsible for the adaptogenic qualities of this tonic herb.*

    Traditional Function

    • Adaptogenic
    • immune regulating
    • tonifying to the Lungs, Heart, Spleen/Pancreas, Liver and Kidney*

    The Story of Spring Dragon Longevity Tea

    In 1972, a group of Japanese researchers reported that Gynostemma tea was being consumed as a daily “longevity tea” by large numbers of southern Chinese people. It was revered in the regions where it grew as “magical grass” because of its many reputed health benefits. Subsequently, studies conducted first in Japan revealed that Gynostemma was extremely rich in saponins that were extremely close to those found in ginseng and Siberian ginseng. As it turned out, Gynostemma is even richer in these saponins than ginseng. Gynostemma tea had generally been made from wild mountain Gynostemma pentaphyllum plants, but as Gynostemma reputation as a longevity herb grew, farmers learned to cultivate it. Within a decade, Gynostemma was being consumed by millions of Asians as a tonic tea.

    in 1992, Ron Teeguarden was traveling to China to oversee a production run of tonic herbal formulations. Because of a ticketing mistake, he was upgraded to first class. By coincidence, he was seated on the long flight from San Francisco to Beijing next to Professor Xiao Peigen. Also, by “coincidence,” Ron had a photocopied article written by Professor Xiao in his travel bag. The article was entitled “Anti-Aging Chinese Herbs.” Xiao Peigun, as it turned out, was Director of the Institute of Medicinal Plant Development in Beijing, a major research institute belonging to the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. He was also head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Center for Traditional Medicine, Commissioner of the Committee on Pharmacopeia for the People’s Republic of China and a Commissioner of New Drug Evaluation for the PRC. In other words, he was one of the most powerful and knowledgeable herbal experts in the world. Because Ron had his article on the plane, Professor Xiao took Ron under his wing. When Ron met with Professor Xiao at the institute, he asked Professor Xiao if he knew of any special tonic herbs with significant anti-aging qualities. Professor Xiao responded instantly that Gynostemma was exactly what he was looking for.

    Gynostemma is traditionally consumed as a tea, just like green tea. It is delicious as well. At the same time, Ron had come across a special, traditional Chinese method of brewing “longevity teas” by saturating extracted herbs into tea leaves. Ron decided to use this ancient technology to saturate Gynostemma leaves with a number of other tonic herbs that had traditional reputations as longevity herbs.

    With the help of Yanlin, he found a tea master who knew the secret of preparing the “longevity teas.” After experimenting for several months at Yanlin’s parents’ home in China, the final tea was determined and thus was born Spring Dragon Longevity Tea, featuring asupersaturation technique that maximized the potency of the tea.

    Soon thereafter, Ron and Yanlin met with a professor who was working as a manager in the Fujian province forestry service. His name, translated into English, is Professor Field. Professor Field suggested to Ron and Yanlin that they grow Gynostemma in a fresh plot of land in the mountains. Ron and Yanlin loved the idea. They supported this new project and Professor Field found virgin land near the top of a mountainous peak known as Great Immortal Peak. Great Immortal Peak is part of Wu Yi Mountain. Gynostemma grows wild and abundantly on the fertile slopes of Great Immortal Peak (along with leopards, monkeys, wild boar, numerous types of snakes and many other kinds of wild animals). Ron asked Professor Field to find a place where the Gynostemma fields be fed by a natural stream, and amazingly Professor Field, who knew the territory backwards and forwards, found the perfect location. The land was cleared the next year and Gynostemma has now been grown there for seventeen years. No chemical has ever been used on the land. There is no road leading to the land, just narrow, winding walking paths. The result is the sweetest, strongest Gynostemma imaginable.

    In Addition to Gynostemma

    Schizandra – Called the “quintessence of Chinese herbs,” Schizandra is a delicious, exotic tonic fruit that is traditionally used to tonify all the systems of the body, supports the liver’s natural cleaning processes, open the lungs, nourish and moisturize the skin, and sharpen the mind. It is a potent antioxidant.*

    Astragalus – One of the most important herbs in all of herbalism, Astragalus is highly regarded for its immune-regulating, immune-potentiating effects. It is also a potent energy tonic and blood tonic.

    Eleuthero – Also known as “Siberian Ginseng,” Eleuthero is famous for its ability to enhance physical and mental endurance, to help us handle stress more efficiently and as a gentle mood elevator. Eleuthero, like ginseng and Gynostemma, is rich in saponins. It is the ultimate adaptogenic herb.

    Luo Han Guo – This delicious, exotic fruit has been used for centuries as a lung tonic. It contains mogroside, a potent immune-potentiating glucoside.*

    Who can use it? Anyone

    Concentration: Whole cut Gynostemma tea; concentrated herbal extract (8:1)

    Ingredients: Gynostemma (premium grade leaves only) infused with extracts of Luo Han Guo, Schizandra, Lycium, Astragalus, and Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng).

    Usage: Drink 1 – 3 tea bags a day, making from 1 to 10 cups of tea

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to

    diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.