Products 1-7 of 7
Stress/Anxiety Relief Pak
Price: $67.00
Availability: In Stock
Optimal Health Systems

    Nutritional Support to Relieve Stress, Anxiety and Their Symptoms Full Spectrum of Nutrients: Supplies over 100 nutrients proven to be best at nutritionally supporting the body with stress and anxiety.Recover from Stress: Restores nutrients that are lost during times of stress and helps settle your stomach/gut.Effective Calm: Promotes adrenal health and healing and provides natural energy while also promoting calm.Restore Vitamin B: Supplies you with B vitamins since they get burned through...

    Price: $31.00
    Availability: In Stock
    Food Research

      Product Details 100% Food Anxie-Tone™ contains vitamin C and many B vitamins, in the forms actually found in real Foods, which are frequently advised to deal with stress. Anxie-Tone™ also naturally contains carbohydrates, lipids, proteins (including all ten essential amino acids), and truly organic bioflavonoids as found in specially grown, enzymatically processed Saccharomyces cerevisiae and citrus fruits. Unlike many so-called Anxie-Tone™ is 100% food, contains no synthetic USP nutrients or...

      Neuro Calm & Rebalance (formerly Pro Gad Enhancer)
      Price: $45.00
      review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
      Availability: Out of Stock

        Pro GAD Enhancer, created by a leading neuro-immune specialist Kendal Stewart, MD, was created to assist patients who have difficulty producing adequate amounts of GABA, an important brain neurotransmitter. GABA plays the principal role of reducing excitability throughout the nervous system, as well as, regulation of musde relaxation. Many patients possess a genetic mutation of GAD (Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase), the primary enzyme that creates GABA. A weakness in the GAD enzyme creates an...

        Price: $45.98
        Availability: In Stock
        Premier Research Labs

          Complete Brain Health (Formerly Serious Brain Enhancer)
          Price: $47.00
          Availability: Back Order
          Food Research

            Product Details The brain is the master organ of the body and directly or indirectly controls nearly all processes in the body including movement, intellect, memory, and mood. Bovine brain tissue naturally contains substances such as phosphatidylserine. Complete Brain Health™ also contains pituitary, medulla, and other bovine tissues, along with the antioxidants selenium and vitamin E. Complete Brain Health™ also contains ribonucleic acid. Unlike many so-called “natural” formulas, Complete...

            Fields of Flowers 2oz
            Price: $28.00
            Availability: In Stock

              Fields of Flowers, a natural formula featuring a unique combination of the 38 traditional flower essences each one long associated with a key element of emotional concern. Addressing the emotional state is an essential component of healing strategy and of the patient’s general well-being.For Temporary Relief Of:fear despair anxiety depressioncompulsiveness worry despondencyintolerancewithdrawal irritabilityaggressivenessimpatienceobsessiveness apathyRecommended Use: Take 30 drops orally twice...

              Price: $24.91
              Availability: In Stock
              Premier Research Labs

                The "Feel Good" Vitamin Healthy Mood, Thyroid, Intestinal, and Whole-Body Function For centuries, Noni has been revered as a key botanical used by many cultures. Historically, Noni is recognized for its effectiveness in helping with digestion, infection, depression, thyroid function, arthritis, fatigue, pain, addictions, headaches, candida, and muscular degeneration. Woman's World magazine, May 9, 2000, quotes Dr. Neil Soloman, who has studied the effects of Noni on more than 12,000 people. He...